Monday, November 30, 2009
@ 9:34 PM
As most of my peers know, I am not a twilight fan.
As a matter of fact, I am a twilight HATER.
I find the whole Edward/Bella relationship to be vastly unhealthy (hello....he tells her she can't hang out with her best friends, gets her in trouble with her parents, creeps on her when she's sleeping...and oh yeah
wants to EAT her). What bothers me most about the whole thing is that hundreds of thousands of 12-16 year old girls who are just getting into the whole dating scene are idealizing their relationship. they see Edward (the creeper) as the perfect man, and want to have what they share. This terrifies me, because I dated a guy like Edward once, and he ended up being horrendously abusive.
In addition, I think that Stephanie Meyer couldn't write her way out of a paper bag. The books (which I HAVE read, at the request of my twilight-loving friends) are poorly written. The plot is nonsensical, the dialouge is forced, the character development makes no sense....and then there's the sentence structure, the grammar.....ugh.
The point being, the twilight novels give me a headache.
Now, a new point was brought out that I'd like to share with all of you.
I would like to preface this link by stating that I have no qualms whatsoever with the Church of Latter Day Saints. Many of my closest friends are LDS, and I have the utmost respect for their faith. There was a period of my life where I seriously considered joining the church, and through that time, I grew to learn that many of the misconceptions about the church are totally false. Stephanie Meyer is LDS, which is where this all becomes relevant.
That being said, I am a proud supporter of Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender rights and equality, and that has always been an issue of much contention between myself and the LDS church. When the LDS church funded many ads against California Proposition 8 last year, I was LIVID.
so, here it is:
how twilight is taking rights from the the gays.
10 things about myself
1. what is your ultimate dream job?
adventure/travel writer, particularly about outdoors adventures.
and/or a summer camp director.
2. what is your favorite thing about yourself?
my genuine desire to care for others, and bring understanding and equality to all of earth's inabitants.
3. what could you not live without?
love, books, and beer.
4. what is something you do every day?
5. what is your most cherished possession?
my much-abused, well-written-in first edition copy of As I Lay Dying. The notations in the margins document my growth into a woman, and complete development of myself.
(I've read it probably 20 times since I was 17)
6. name one of your favorite songs of all time:
"Always Love" by Nada Surf
7. what are you afraid of?
My dreams never coming to fruitation.
8. what is one of your proudest accomplishments?
Being editor of my former university's newspaper.
climbing mt. Jefferson.
leading an all women's ice climbing trip.
I've done a lot I'm proud of in the last year.
9. what is something you'd like to learn?
How to telemark ski.
10. and finally, tell me something random:
As much as i may complain about the douchey things my boyfriend does, i love him more than anything. he completes me, always. and every time he tells me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, I really believe I am the luckiest girl in the world, because I have my best friend by my side.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
hitting the trail @ 6:04 PM

headed to the Rouge River for 5 days of backpacking.
see y'all on monday. :)
Every girl, at some point in her life, pulls a crazy girlfriend move. God knows I have, many a time. But there is a line that should not be crossed.
I was talking to some of the girls at work, and biddies be crazy. Usually, I'm all about girl power, but the stories I was hearing kind of made me side with the guys a little bit.
I think that to be in a relationship with someone, a certain amount of respect must be attained. There is a level of trust you MUST have for a relationship to be successful. God knows there have been times in my relationship that I've doubted, that my boyfriend was acting sketchy and wouldn't tell me why. Most of the time I've waited and discovered that it had nothing to do with me.
It shocked me to discover how many girls automatically jump to the conclusion that their boyfriend is a scumbag. It also shocked me to discover how many girls were secretly reading their boyfriend's emails, texts, even journals. If the tables were reversed, you know those girls wouldn't put up with a guy invading their privacy like that.
I think that every girlfriend has a bit of crazy in them. I know I do, there have been a lot of moments where I've done things that I immediately wish I hadn't done.I know that my boyfriend loves me, and he trusts me, and I owe him that same respect. I've decided on my own terms to stop being crazy. I hope that my boyfriend doesn't ever take advantage of how much I trust him.
I cannot for the life of me believe how some girls can, on a regular basis, be so completely disrespectful to their partners. SERIOUSLY? One girl was telling me how she's already snooping on a guy she's not even DATING yet. Honestly, if you can't even trust a guy that hasn't done anything wrong, you need to take a step back.
I don't mean to sound like a preacher. Like I said, I'm not perfect. I just think that if girls feel like their guy isn't telling them stuff, maybe it's because guys can't trust a girl who's not showing them any respect.
Friday, November 13, 2009
PLD: Electing illterate Alaskan Governors to run as your vice president. @ 5:54 PM
Thursday, November 12, 2009
PLD: mixing porn and relationships @ 8:35 PM
Porn is an interesting thing. I personally am not a huge fan. I've dabbled, as most adults have, but it doesn't really do the trick for me.
I am not here to cast an ethical vote on porn. One, because it would be hypocritical on my part (considering my last statement), and two, because I don't think it's my place. I would, however, like to take a moment to address the consequences of consuming pornography if you are in a relationship.
For some couples, porn is not an issue. Both couples enjoy porn, and it can become a part of general foreplay. Awesome. Or, the partners have discussed porn viewing, and have decided that it is okay for them, and they have come up with some sort of porn policy that works in the context of their relationships. Also awesome. In these contexts, I feel that as consenting adults in a committed monogamous relationship, they have every right to make their own judgements on how porn will be a part of their lives.
The problem, for me, comes when porn becomes an act of deception. When someone finds out that their partner is using porn secretly, or has lied to them about their porn usage, it has a lot of really negative consequences on the relationship.
for one, it makes the deceived partner feel inadequate. They start wondering what they've done wrong to improperly satisfy their significant other. They wonder if their partner has lied to them about other things, or if their partner is no longer attracted to them. They worry that their partner is fantasising about other people when they are being intimate with them. When you find out your boyfriend is using porn, and he wakes up with morning wood, you wonder "is this for me, or the other girl he was dreaming about". It's hurtful.
Moral of the story: If you like porn, awesome. But sit down and have a conversation with your partner about it. Assure them that you still love them. Tell them why you like it (masturbation is healthy, you're bored, etc), figure out what bothers them about it, and come up with a compromise that makes both of you comfortable. Note that in the end, you may have to give up porn for your partner, but in the end....isn't sex better than jerking off anyways?
Monday, November 9, 2009
new blog to read. @ 9:44 AM
hey y'all,
just wanted to pass along a new blog I love to you.
Holly is my boyfriend's older sister. She's a really fantastic girl, and the closest thing to a sister I'm ever going to get (I tried to get my parent's to have another one, and tried to convince my brother to BECOME a luck).
Her blog is full of fun links, sweet ideas, and the fun of learning to use a new mac. :)
check it out: